Status: Launch Phase


We love our first product in the SYNERGISTIC ‘range’… REFLECT. We designed it to save organisations (large or small) loads of time and money. REFLECT will actually support real performance development of your teams and individuals, and, importantly, it will empower and enable your team to take ownership of their own development.


REFLECT supports a positive workplace culture that values and promotes effort and improvement.


Use REFLECT to DEVELOP performance and not just MANAGE it!


  • Employees lead and take ownership of their own development
  • REFLECT is tailored to individual job roles
  • The focus is on development actions rather than targets
  • It is accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world, updated in near real time
  • Includes a built-in way for employees and line mangers to communicate
  •  REFLECT is an environmentally-friendly, paperless system
  •  The data dashboard enables deep dive analysis so you can provide targeted support
  • It is ideal for all sizes of organisation
  • Because it can be accessed from anywhere, it is perfect for organisations with different sites worldwide
  • REFLECT becomes a personal ‘development diary’ for your staff to use to guide and support their development journey.


REFLECT takes performance development to the next level. It is tailored to each specific job role and enables individuals to REFLECT on the essential and important elements that are needed to perform at the highest level in their role.

REFLECT is not just a quick and easy way for individuals to REFLECT on their own performance, it also builds up into a personal development journal where individuals can lead, track, and record their performance development steps.

REFLECT takes inspiration from the training ethos of elite and professional athletes. High performing athletes break down all the different components that go into delivering world class performances and select different ones to practice, enhance, and develop. By developing each of these different components their overall performance improves. REFLECT takes this approach and applies it to workplace performance.

When the individuals within the organisation are developing their performance, the outcomes for the organisation in terms of quality, service, and productivity will also develop.

REFLECT supports and develops an organisational culture of individuals being responsible and proactive in their own development.

An organisation that has a culture where individuals are responsible, accountable, and supported in their own development is sustainable and effective.

REFLECT gives the leadership team the big picture on the organisation’s performance.

If all the individuals within the organisation are using REFLECT, it can give a wealth of insight and information to enable the leadership team target actions, interventions, and support to accelerate the drive for enhanced performance. REFLECT will enable leadership to gain an insight into which areas are going well and which areas need further development. REFLECT enables patterns to be identified and enables support to be put into the right places, at the right time, and in the right areas. This increases the opportunities for success and development and is both cost and time effective.

REFLECT enables a comprehensive understanding of current performance levels and areas for development.

For anyone to maintain, enhance, or improve their performance, they need to have an authentic understanding and awareness of what their current performance level is. REFLECT gives the essential/important elements required for each job role in an easily accessible format for people to REFLECT on.

Once an understanding of current performance is there, the individual can then see the specific areas for development.

REFLECT enables individuals to take ownership of their own performance and development

REFLECT is all about Development Actions. Individuals can decide on the actions they need/want to take to maintain, enhance, or improve their own performance. They can check them off when completed and REFLECT builds into a comprehensive development journal where actions they have taken are recorded.

Don’t panic when you see the number of questions for you to answer!

Each job role has a different number and set of essential/important areas for the individual to REFLECT on. The more complex the job role, the higher number of questions there will be.

REFLECT is designed to be quick and easy for individuals to use; whilst it might seem daunting at first, it really isn’t at all.

The first few times you use REFLECT will be the most time consuming

Going through the REFLECTion areas the first time is the most time-consuming part, but when you look at the different elements you will see that some of them are very quick to answer and do not take much thinking about. Although there are some that might need a bit more consideration, even they are not onerous.

Once completed, you will see a picture of your overall performance in the different areas and from then on you only need to revisit the elements you have decided you want to improve on. You can update these as required without going through all the other elements all over again.

Absolutely, yes. REFLECT has been designed to support multiple locations. In fact, the more locations and the more employees that you have using REFLECT, the richer the data that you will have to base your decision-making and growth strategy on.

REFLECT is ideal for schools and all manner of educational establishments. We custom-fit REFLECT to each organisation. If you are a multi-site educational establishment, such as an academy group,  REFLECT is ideal for giving you a picture of performance and development actions across all your schools and gives you rich data and insights that will support you in providing the right support, at the right time and in the right areas. 

Yes, absolutely. Accessing your custom-fitted REFLECT requires an email sign in process; therefore, only people who are part of your organisation and have been set up on the system can gain access it. Individuals will also only be able to see their own personal information and reflections; line managers will only be able to see the information relating to the people that they line manage.

We always welcome your questions and hearing your thoughts and comments on our products. If you would like to know more, then use the contact from on the ‘DEMO’ page to schedule a time for us to give you a product demonstration and a ‘walk-around’ so that you can see how they might benefit you. We will get back to you as soon as we can to arrange a time that suits you for a demo.

Click below to watch a quick introduction to REFLECT

Click on the image to download this free PDF